The Tale of The Shadow Knight

= Tales Grew =

"''Have you ever heard footsteps in your home..? A voice calling out to you..? When someone is there, even you can't see it..? Do you feel like your being watched..?"''
The tale of 'The Shadow Knight' grew within a few days of what it did to many, no one knew what this creature was or whom it come from. With every shadows it lurks with evil that will always haunt you with every step in life.
From the 'Middle Ages' to the 'Modern Ages' that the Shadow Knight might one day arise from it's captivity!

= The Tale Began =

''1678-January 25th''
The winter days were cold and harsh in 'Nikara Village' where it was said a quiet and peaceful town, or that's what everyone says. As the day rolled by, you shiver in the cold harsh wind as you return from school that day, you decided to take a shortcut through 'Meadows Woods' but what did you didn't know was that the night had filled the sky. You shivered more as the wind began to grow stronger, the ice crunched at every footstep you take.
You see your breath in the icy cold air, it felt like minutes but to you hours with every motion and action you did. You hear a faint sound nearby, a sound of footsteps. You stop, looking around but nothing in sight! The footstep grew louder signaling you it's coming closer, you trembled by not just the cold but the fear that run down your spine. At the corner of your eye you saw a dark figure chuckling quietly, you turned around but to see nothing...
You continue walking back to home but what you notice that the forest never ends you started to panic, the footsteps return as it soon became closer. You look around frantically, soon hearing a dark demonic laughter behind you. You hesitantly turned around till you stop dead cold as the dark figure was right in front of you, looking at you with lifeless iris. It was a tall knight, with black and bloody red armor, it wore a black helmet that only reveal two silver lifeless iris, it had a dark shadow-like sword in his right hand.
You were lock in dread of moving or trying to run away from the dark figure, it chuckled demonically at you. Fear ran down your spine as it walk towards you, you snapped out of your fear and started running deep in the forest. You pant heavily, your muscle ached but you kept on going but soon you felt a sudden chill. He's coming, running fast, "You can't essssssssssssscape......" the figure said demonically as he chased you.
The wind blew against you as you run, the cold air numb your body slowly. You kept running, till you saw a house or a cabin, as you rush in to safety you hear his demonic laughter.
''Far....But Clear......''
You enter the house, you catch your breath as you slam the door shut. Your felt your body again from the icy cold grip, you thought of two choices to stay or make it home. But either way the figure will find you...
''"Come my dear child, don't be afraid........ I'll make your death fast and simple........" the demonic voice was heard loud and clear.''
The sudden chill of fear grew, soon a noise was heard. The wind blew against the old cabin, the wood creak with every step you take. The lights flicker occasionally until it was nothing but darkness, your head perks up at a noise of footstep and scrapping sound against the wall. "You can't essssssssssssssssscape me.............." the voice belonging to the dark figure you encounter in the woods.
You try rushing out but your body felt numb, your vision blurred, you can feel your heart beating against your chest as it pump faster. The shadow lurks towards you, forming into the figure, it laughed manically. You couldn't move, you couldn't scream, all you can do is stand there. "Let's make this quick shall we..?" the Shadow Knight as it reveal to be takes the helmet off. It reveal a horribly burned face, it had scars, bones revealing, it show blood dripping from his empty eye socket, it had two silver pale iris.
You try to struggle but to no avail, he stare deeply into your eyes as he chuckle darkly.... Soon you saw nothing but darkness as your worst fears became a reality. You scream with fear, trying to get away but it follows you...
You went limp as you fell to the ground, your eyes lifeless, you stop breathing...The Shadow Knight chuckle demonically as he said his last words before disappearing....
''"Sweet Nightmares...."''